Wiremu Te Are

Bachelor of Laws, Waikato University, 1995

Ko Ngongotaha me Maungapohatu oku Maunga Ko Rotoruanui a Kahumatamomoe me Waikaremoana oku moana Ko Te Arawa me Maatatua oku waka Ko Ngaiti Whakaue me Ngai Tuhoe oku iwi Ko Ngati Taeotu me Ngati Tawhaki oku hapu Ko Tunohopu me Uwhiaarae oku marae Ko Wiremu Te Are ahau

My roots are in Te Arawa and Te Urewera's. I am wholly invested in giving qualified and competent to our community of Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty at large.

Wiremu worked at the Rotorua probation office for 9 years before moving to Harry Edward Law as a solicitor. He now runs his own Law firm, where he specialises in all areas of criminal, immigration, and estate law. Wiremu is also a youth Advocate.